Surah Yusuf (Prophet Yousuf)

Surah Yousuf is the 12 chapter of the Holy Quran. The meaning of the title is “Joseph”. This Surah was revealed in Mecca. It contains 111 ayah and 12 rukus. Surah Yusuf is located in juz’ 12 and 13.

Surah Yousuf describes the life of Prophet Yousuf. The tests he passes, his patience, and his sincerity and belief in ALLAH. It teaches us to have faith and believe in Allah. The main lessons of this surah are:

  • Don’t be jealous of someone.
  • Never give up hope in Allah so he will reward you.
  • Being a sincere, honest, and pure character person.
  • Forgive everyone for the sake of Allah.
  • To face the challenges of life according to Allah.

Benefits of Surah Yusuf

  • Surah Yousuf has the power to remove the sins of the reader.
  • This Surah will help you to gain victory over your enemies.
  • Reciting surah Yusuf with translation will increase your faith.
  • Recitation of this surah for a better future.

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Surah Yusuf Ayats Surah Yusuf Words Surah Yusuf letters Surah Yusuf Rukus
111 1961 7207 12

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