Surah Ale Imran

Surah Ale Imran is the 3rd chapter of the Holy Quran. The meaning of the title is “Family Of Imran .”The Surah was revealed in Madina. It has 200 verses and 20 Rukus. Surah al Imran is located in juz’ 3 and 4.

This Surah describes the family of Prophet Imran, his daughter Maryam, and his grandson Prophet Isa. This Surah clarifies that Allah almighty sends his messengers to call people to the true religion (Islam). It has the warning against deviations, encourages repentance, and spends over poor people for Allah’s sake.

Benefits of Surah Ale Imran

  • One who recites Surah Al Imran will get the mercy of Allah and the angels will also pray for his forgiveness.
  • This Surah will get rid of difficulties for the reciter.
  • Regular recitation of Surah Al Imran is good for fertility.
  • The reciter will gain sustenance from unknown sources.

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Surah Ale Imran Ayats Surah Ale Imran’s Words Surah Ale Imran’s letters Surah Ale Imran Rukus
200 3953 14755 20

Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale ImranSurah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran

Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran Surah Ale Imran

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