Surah Muzzammil

Surah Al Muzzammil is the 73rd Surah of the Holy Quran and is found in 29th para. This Surah was revealed in Makkah so it is referred to as “Makki” Surah and contains 20 verses, 227 Words, and 847 letters.

Benefits of Surah Muzammil
The person who recites Surah Al Muzammil in the Isha prayer or Tahajjud will get a pure heart and dies in the state of purity.

It is said by the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) that a person who recites Surah al Muzammil will not experience any worst situation or time. It is narrated by Imam Jafar as Sadiq (R.A) that a person who recites this Surah and asks for something from Allah, will get it.

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Surah Muzammil Ayat Surah Muzammil Words Surah Muzammil letters Surah Muzammil Rukus
20 227 847 2

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Surah Al Muzzammil Surah Al Muzzammil

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