Surah Kahf Online
Surah Kahf is the 18th surah of the Holy Quran Quran which comprises 110 verses. This is the Makki surah and is positioned in 15-16th para.
The title of this surah means ‘the cave.’ The prime theme of this surah revolves around 4 stories that link to each other. The stories are about the people of the cave, the companions of two gardens, Musa & Kidhar, & Dhul Qarnayn.
All these incidents mentioned in Surah Kahf highlight the traits of temptation (Fitnah) that one must avoid to live a better life. This surah also highlights the consequences and best way to deal with the Fitnah.
It is stated in Surah Kahf that:
“So whoever wishes for the Meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness and associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord.” (Surah al-Kahf: 110)
Importance Of Reading Surah Kahf
- It gives the message of faith.
- This surah is a source of forgiveness of sins from Allah.
- Reading and understanding Surah Kahf provides us with the righteous path
- It emphasizes the greatness of Allah who is the most merciful.
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Surah Kahf Ayats | 110 |
Surah Kahf Words | 1742 |
Surah Kahf letters | 6482 |
Surah Kahf Rukus | 12 |
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